Montag, 2. September 2013

One Month!

Last Monday young Nava turned one month old. I wanted to write this then, but life. Also still no computer of my own. Anyway. She has not been eaten by the cats and the only injuries she has sustained were self-inflicted and nonlethal (various punches to the noggin near meal times, a couple scratches courtesy of the fastest growing mini fingernails in the world), and she continues to grow and gain weight. Hooray us! 

She is certainly doing better than our worthless, worthless cats, who now do lavish pees and poos anywhere they please at all times of the night or day. If Nava's first word is m******f***** it's not my fault. 

My mom can make me wear anything and I am totally defenseless. It makes me want to punch my own adorable little face!

Anyway, for the record, here are some of Nava's major achievements so far: 
  1. Crusty umbilical cord replaced by 100% cute belly button.
  2. Very smallest onesies officially outgrown, and the next size diaper is waiting in the wings
  3. Can bring fist/fingers to mouth within three tries
  4. Poops without weeping most of the time
  5. Almost never crosses her eyes
  6. Occasionally unclenches fists and uses those tweeny little starfish to grab things
  7. To my dismay, sometimes she keeps her legs straightened even when sleeping. Less and less froggy. 

Her goals for next month include losing the black fuzz on her ears and learning not to eat while crying or cry while eating! 


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